Streamline your PR process

Move PRs, faster

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Instant Approvals

A percentage of your PRs will automatically be approved based on the author of the PR and the code getting pushed.

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Painless Reviews

Developers are incentivized to push smaller PRs, speeding along the peer review process for the percentage of PRs that should be reviewed.

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No Bottlenecks

By approving more PRs, developers don't need to wait for a peer review before merging their code and moving to the next task.

Incentivize Developers to write quality PRs

More PRs, higher quality

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Remove the Scapegoat

Let your developers write quality code without relying on peer reviews.

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Track Performance

Get insights on your team like how many change requests or comments they have on past PRs.

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Work More Efficiently

Spend less time reviewing small PRs, and give reviewers more time to spend reviewing important PRs.